josie.ns.schemes package


josie.ns.schemes.diffusive module

class josie.ns.schemes.diffusive.CentralDifferenceGradient(problem)

Bases: josie.general.schemes.diffusive.central.CentralDifferenceGradient

Optimizing the implementation of the CentralDifferenceGradient using a viscosity tensor that is smaller in size noting that it only operates on the fields u, v, e

D(cells, neighs)

This is the diffusive flux implementation of the scheme. See [Tor09] for a great overview on numerical methods for hyperbolic problems.

A general problem can be written in a compact way:


The diffusive term is discretized as follows:


A concrete implementation of this method needs to implement the discretization of the numerical diffusive flux on one face of a cell. It needs to implement the term \numDiffusive

  • values – The values of the state fields in each cell

  • neighs (NeighboursCellSet) – A NeighboursCellSet containing data of neighbour cells corresponding to the values


The value of the numerical diffusive flux multiplied by the surface value \numDiffusive

Return type


problem: NSProblem

josie.ns.schemes.scheme module

class josie.ns.schemes.scheme.NSScheme(eos, transport)

Bases: josie.euler.schemes.scheme.EulerScheme, josie.scheme.diffusive.DiffusiveScheme

problem: NSProblem

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