josie.euler.schemes package


josie.euler.schemes.hllx module

class josie.euler.schemes.hllx.HLL(eos)

Bases: josie.euler.schemes.scheme.EulerScheme

This class implements the HLL scheme. See [Tor09] for a detailed view on compressible schemes.

F(cells, neighs)

This is the convective flux implementation of the scheme. See [Tor09] for a great overview on numerical methods for hyperbolic problems.

A general problem can be written in a compact way:


The convective term is discretized as follows:


A concrete implementation of this method needs to implement the discretization of the numerical flux on one face of a cell. It needs to implement the term \numConvective

  • cells (MeshCellSet) – A MeshCellSet containing the state of the mesh cells

  • neighs (NeighboursCellSet) – A NeighboursCellSet containing data of neighbour cells corresponding to the values


The value of the numerical convective flux multiplied by the surface value \numConvective

Return type


static compute_sigma(U_L, U_R, c_L, c_R)

Returns the value of the :math:`sigma`(i.e. the wave velocity) for the the HLL and HLLC scheme.

\sigma_L = \min{\qty(\norm{\vb{u}_L} - c_L,
    \norm{\vb{u}_R} - c_R)}

\sigma_R = \max{\qty(\norm{\vb{u}_L} + c_L,
    \norm{\vb{u}_R} + c_R)}

  • U_L (ndarray) – The value of scalar velocity for each cell. Array dimensions N_x \times N_y \times 1

  • U_R (ndarray) – The value of scalar velocity for each cell neighbour. Array dimensions N_x \times N_y \times 1

  • c_L (ndarray) – The value of sound velocity for each cell

  • c_R (ndarray) – The value of sound velocity for each cell neighbour

Return type

Tuple[ndarray, ndarray]


  • sigma_L – A Nx \times Ny \times 1 containing the value of the \sigma_L per each cell

  • sigma_R – A Nx \times Ny \times 1 containing the value of the \sigma_R per each cell

problem: EulerProblem
class josie.euler.schemes.hllx.HLLC(eos)

Bases: josie.euler.schemes.hllx.HLL

This class implements the HLLC scheme. See [Tor09] for a detailed view on compressible schemes.

F(cells, neighs)

This is the convective flux implementation of the scheme. See [Tor09] for a great overview on numerical methods for hyperbolic problems.

A general problem can be written in a compact way:


The convective term is discretized as follows:


A concrete implementation of this method needs to implement the discretization of the numerical flux on one face of a cell. It needs to implement the term \numConvective

  • cells (MeshCellSet) – A MeshCellSet containing the state of the mesh cells

  • neighs (NeighboursCellSet) – A NeighboursCellSet containing data of neighbour cells corresponding to the values


The value of the numerical convective flux multiplied by the surface value \numConvective

Return type


problem: EulerProblem

josie.euler.schemes.rusanov module

class josie.euler.schemes.rusanov.Rusanov(eos)

Bases: josie.euler.schemes.scheme.EulerScheme

This class implements the Rusanov scheme. See [Tor09] for a detailed view on compressible schemes. The Rusanov scheme is discretized by:

\numConvective  =
    \frac{1}{2} \qty[%
    \qty|\pdeConvective|_{i+1} + \qty|\pdeConvective|_{i}
    - \sigma \qty(\pdeState_{i+1} - \pdeState_{i})
    ] S_f

F(cells, neighs)

This is the convective flux implementation of the scheme. See [Tor09] for a great overview on numerical methods for hyperbolic problems.

A general problem can be written in a compact way:


The convective term is discretized as follows:


A concrete implementation of this method needs to implement the discretization of the numerical flux on one face of a cell. It needs to implement the term \numConvective

  • cells (MeshCellSet) – A MeshCellSet containing the state of the mesh cells

  • neighs (NeighboursCellSet) – A NeighboursCellSet containing data of neighbour cells corresponding to the values


The value of the numerical convective flux multiplied by the surface value \numConvective

Return type


static compute_sigma(U_L, U_R, c_L, c_R)

Returns the value of the :math:`sigma`(i.e. the wave velocity) for the the Rusanov scheme.

\sigma = \max_{L, R}{\qty(\norm{\vb{u}} + c, \norm{\vb{u}} - c)}

  • U_L (ndarray) – The value of scalar velocity for each cell. Array dimensions N_x \times N_y \times 1

  • U_R (ndarray) – The value of scalar velocity for each cell neighbour. Array dimensions N_x \times N_y \times 1

  • c_L (ndarray) – The value of sound velocity for each cell

  • c_R (ndarray) – The value of sound velocity for each cell neighbour


A Nx \times Ny \times 1 containing the value of the sigma per each cell

Return type


problem: EulerProblem

josie.euler.schemes.scheme module

class josie.euler.schemes.scheme.EulerScheme(eos)

Bases: josie.scheme.convective.ConvectiveScheme

A general base class for Euler schemes

CFL(cells, CFL_value)

This method returns the optimal dt value that fulfills the CFL condition for the concrete the given scheme

  • cells (MeshCellSet) – A MeshCellSet containing the cell data at the current time step

  • CFL_value (float) – The value of the CFL coefficient to impose


The Optimal dt fulfilling the CFL condition for the given CFL number

Return type


static compute_U_norm(values, normals)

Returns the value of the normal velocity component to the given normals.

  • values (SingleFluidState) – A np.ndarray that has dimension Nx \times Ny \times
N_\text{fields} containing the values for all the states in all the mesh points

  • normals (np.ndarray) – A np.ndarray that has the dimensions Nx \times Ny
\times N_\text{centroids} \times 2 containing the values of the normals to the faces of the cell


Return type

The value of the normal velocity


During the step we update the conservative values. After the step we update the non-conservative variables. This method updates the values of the non-conservative (auxiliary) variables using the EOS

problem: EulerProblem

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