
Multiphase flow including capillarity effects from Cordesse

This notebook (partially) implements the numerical strategies and the model presented in the thesis by Pierre Cordesse, Contribution to the study of combustion instabilities in cryotechnic rocket engines : coupling diffuse interface models with kinetic-based moment methods for primary atomization simulations. In that work, the author proposes a series of submodles that are solved sequentially with a splitting approach. This notebook for the moment implements the homogeneous Euler part with the instantaneous relaxation of the phase pressures.

Define fields

from josie.fluid.fields import FluidFields
from josie.fields import Fields

class SigmaFields(FluidFields):
    # Conservative
    rho = 0
    rhoU = 1
    rhoV = 2
    rhoY = 3
    rhoYw = 4
    rhoa = 5
    rhoz = 6
    # Auxiliary
    U = 7
    V = 8
    P = 9
    c = 10
    Y = 11
    w = 12
    alpha = 13
    z = 14
    p1 = 15
    p2 = 16

class SigmaConsFields(Fields):
    rho = 0
    rhoU = 1
    rhoV = 2
    rhoY = 3
    rhoYw = 4
    rhoa = 5
    rhoz = 6

Define State

from josie.fluid.state import SingleFluidState
from josie.state import SubsetState

class SigmaConsState(SubsetState):
    full_state_fields = SigmaFields
    fields = SigmaConsFields
class SigmaState(SingleFluidState):
    fields = SigmaFields
    cons_state = SigmaConsState

Define Barotropic EOS

class Barotropic:
    .. math::
        \pressure = a\rho^b
    def __init__(self, a, b):
        self._constant = a
        self._exp = b
    def p(self, rho):
        return self._constant * rho ** self._exp
    def rho(self, p):
        return (p / self._constant) ** (1/self._exp)
    def sound_velocity(self, rho, p):
        return self._constant * self._exp * rho ** (self._exp - 1)

Define Mixture EOS

from josie.twofluid.state import PhasePair

class MixtureEOS(PhasePair):
    def __init__(self, eos1, eos2, surface_tension):
        super().__init__(eos1, eos2)
        self.surface_tension = surface_tension

Define Problem

import numpy as np

from josie.problem import Problem
from josie.dimension import MAX_DIMENSIONALITY
from josie.math import Direction

class SigmaProblem(Problem):
    # Small scale inertia
    sqrtm = np.sqrt(1)
    def __init__(self, eos: MixtureEOS):
        self.eos = eos
    def s(self, cells, t):
        values = cells.values.view(SigmaState)
        fields = values.fields
        nx, ny, _ = values.shape
        rhoYw = values[..., fields.rhoYw]
        p1 = values[..., fields.p1]
        p2 = values[..., fields.p2]
        # Store source
        ss = np.zeros_like(values)
        ss[..., fields.rhoa] = - rhoYw / self.sqrtm
        ss[..., fields.rhoYw] = (p2 - p1)/self.sqrtm
        return ss
    def F(self, cells):
        values = cells.values.view(SigmaState)
        nx, ny, _ = values.shape
        # Flux tensor
        F = np.zeros(
        fields = values.fields
        rho = values[..., fields.rho]
        rhoU = values[..., fields.rhoU]
        rhoV = values[..., fields.rhoV]
        rhoY = values[..., fields.rhoY]
        rhoYw = values[..., fields.rhoYw]
        rhoa = values[..., fields.rhoa]
        rhoz = values[..., fields.rhoz]
        U = values[..., fields.U]
        V = values[..., fields.V]
        P = values[..., fields.P]
        F[..., fields.rho, Direction.X] = rhoU
        F[..., fields.rho, Direction.Y] = rhoV
        F[..., fields.rhoU, Direction.X] = rhoU * U + P
        F[..., fields.rhoU, Direction.Y] = rhoU * V
        F[..., fields.rhoV, Direction.X] = rhoV * U
        F[..., fields.rhoV, Direction.Y] = rhoV * V + P
        F[..., fields.rhoY, Direction.X] = rhoY * U
        F[..., fields.rhoY, Direction.Y] = rhoY * V
        F[..., fields.rhoYw, Direction.X] = rhoYw * U
        F[..., fields.rhoYw, Direction.Y] = rhoYw * V
        F[..., fields.rhoa, Direction.X] = rhoa * U
        F[..., fields.rhoa, Direction.Y] = rhoa * V
        F[..., fields.rhoz, Direction.X] = rhoz * U
        F[..., fields.rhoz, Direction.Y] = rhoz * V
        return F

Define Scheme

import numpy as cp

from josie.scheme.convective import ConvectiveScheme
from josie.twofluid.fields import Phases

class SigmaScheme(ConvectiveScheme):
    def __init__(self, eos: MixtureEOS):
    def post_step(self, cells):
        values = cells.values.view(SigmaState)
        fields = values.fields
        rho = values[..., fields.rho]
        rhoU = values[..., fields.rhoU]
        rhoV = values[..., fields.rhoV]
        rhoY = values[..., fields.rhoY]
        rhoYw = values[..., fields.rhoYw]
        rhoa = values[..., fields.rhoa]
        rhoz = values[..., fields.rhoz]
        U = rhoU / rho
        V = rhoV / rho
        Y = rhoY / rho
        Y2 = 1 - Y
        w = rhoYw / rho / Y
        alpha = rhoa / rho
        alpha2 = 1 - alpha
        z = rhoz / rho
        Sigma = (rho ** (1/3)) * (z ** (2/3))
        surface_tension = self.problem.eos.surface_tension
        eos1 = self.problem.eos[Phases.PHASE1]
        rho1 = rho * Y / alpha
        p1 = eos1.p(rho1)
        c1 = eos1.sound_velocity(rho1, p1)
        rho2 = rho * Y2 / alpha2 
        eos2 = self.problem.eos[Phases.PHASE2]
        p2 = eos2.p(rho2)
        c2 = eos2.sound_velocity(rho1, p1)
        P = alpha * p1 + alpha2 * p2 + 0.5 * rhoYw**2 \
            - 2/3 * surface_tension * Sigma
        c = cp.sqrt(Y * c1**2 + Y2 * c2**2  + rho * (Y * w)**2 \
            + 2/9 * surface_tension * Sigma / rho)
        values[..., fields.U] = U
        values[..., fields.V] = V
        values[..., fields.P] = P
        values[..., fields.c] = c
        values[..., fields.Y] = Y
        values[..., fields.w] = w
        values[..., fields.alpha] = alpha
        values[..., fields.z] = z
        values[..., fields.p1] = p1
        values[..., fields.p2] = p2

Rusanov Scheme

from josie.euler.schemes import Rusanov as EulerRusanov
from josie.general.schemes.time import ExplicitEuler
from josie.general.schemes.source import ConstantSource

class Rusanov(SigmaScheme, ExplicitEuler, ConstantSource):
    def compute_U_norm(values, normals):
        fields = values.fields

        # Get the velocity components
        UV_slice = slice(fields.U, fields.V + 1)
        UV = values[..., cp.newaxis, UV_slice]

        # Find the normal velocity
        U = cp.einsum("...kl,...l->...k", UV, normals)

        return U

    def CFL(self, cells, CFL_value):

        dt = super().CFL(cells, CFL_value)

        values = cells.values.view(SigmaState)
        fields = values.fields

        # Get the velocity components
        UV_slice = slice(fields.U, fields.V + 1)
        UV = cells.values[..., UV_slice]

        U = cp.linalg.norm(UV, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
        c = cells.values[..., fields.c]

        sigma = cp.max(cp.abs(U) + c[..., cp.newaxis])

        # Min mesh dx
        dx = cells.min_length

        new_dt = CFL_value * dx / sigma

        return cp.min((dt, new_dt))
    def compute_sigma(U_L, U_R, c_L, c_R):

        sigma_L = cp.abs(U_L) + c_L[..., cp.newaxis]

        sigma_R = cp.abs(U_R) + c_R[..., cp.newaxis]

        # Concatenate everything in a single array
        sigma_array = cp.concatenate((sigma_L, sigma_R), axis=-1)

        # And the we found the max on the last axis (i.e. the maximum value
        # of sigma for each cell)
        sigma = cp.max(sigma_array, axis=-1, keepdims=True)

        return sigma

    def F(self, cells, neighs):

        Q_L = cells.values.view(SigmaState)
        Q_R = neighs.values.view(SigmaState)

        fields = SigmaState.fields

        FS = cp.zeros_like(Q_L).view(SigmaState)
        # Get normal velocities
        U_L = self.compute_U_norm(Q_L, neighs.normals)
        U_R = self.compute_U_norm(Q_R, neighs.normals)

        # Speed of sound
        c_L = Q_L[..., fields.c]
        c_R = Q_R[..., fields.c]

        sigma = self.compute_sigma(U_L, U_R, c_L, c_R)
        DeltaF = 0.5 * (self.problem.F(cells) + self.problem.F(neighs))

        # This is the flux tensor dot the normal
        DeltaF = cp.einsum("...kl,...l->...k", DeltaF, neighs.normals)

        # First four variables of the total state are the conservative
        # variables
        Q_L_cons = Q_L.get_conservative()
        Q_R_cons = Q_R.get_conservative()

        DeltaQ = 0.5 * sigma * (Q_R_cons - Q_L_cons)

            neighs.surfaces[..., cp.newaxis] * (DeltaF - DeltaQ)

        return FS

Define Solver

from josie.solver import Solver

class SigmaSolver(Solver):
    def __init__(self, mesh, scheme):

        super().__init__(mesh, SigmaState, scheme)

Define BCs

import numpy as np
from josie.bc import Dirichlet, Neumann, make_periodic

# Shortcut to define all Neumann conditions for everything except 
# vertical velocity
Q0 = np.zeros(len(SigmaFields)).view(SigmaState)
zero_normal_velocity = Neumann(Q0)

# We override the bc for rhoV and V
zero_normal_velocity.bc[..., [SigmaFields.rhoV, SigmaFields.V]] = \

Prepare the Domain

from josie.boundary import Line
from josie.math import Direction

left = Line([0, 0], [0, 1])
bottom = Line([0, 0], [1, 0])
right = Line([1, 0], [1, 1])
top = Line([0, 1], [1, 1])

# Left-right is periodic
left, right = make_periodic(left, right, Direction.X)

# Top-bottom
top.bc = zero_normal_velocity
bottom.bc = zero_normal_velocity

Generate the Mesh

from josie.mesh import Mesh
from josie.mesh.cell import SimpleCell

mesh = Mesh(left, bottom, right, top, SimpleCell)
mesh.interpolate(150, 150)


eos1 = Barotropic(a=1, b=1.4)
eos2 = Barotropic(a=1, b=1.67)

Initial Conditions

# General
P = 0.71
speed = 0.25

l = 0.05 # Reference length for the interface initial thickness
We = 100 # Weber number

# Top value
alpha = 0.8
alpha2 = 1 - alpha
w = 0
U = -speed
V = 0
z = 0
p1 = p2 = P
rho1 = eos1.rho(p1)
c1 = eos1.sound_velocity(rho1, p1)

rho2 = eos2.rho(p2)
c2 = eos2.sound_velocity(rho2, p2)

rho = alpha * rho1 + (1 - alpha) * rho2
Sigma = (rho ** (1/3)) * (z ** (2/3))
Y = rho1 * alpha / rho
Y2 = 1 - Y

rhoU = rho * U
rhoV = rho * V
rhoY = rho * Y
rhoYw = rho * Y * w
rhoa = rho * alpha
rhoz = rho * z

surface_tension = rho * speed**2 / We

eos = MixtureEOS(eos1, eos2, surface_tension=0)

c = np.sqrt(Y * c1**2 + Y2 * c2**2  + rho * (Y * w)**2 \
            - 2/9 * eos.surface_tension * Sigma / rho)

Q_top = SigmaState(rho, rhoU, rhoV, rhoY, rhoYw, rhoa, rhoz,
                   U, V, P, c, Y, w, alpha, z, p1, p2)

# Btm value
alpha = 0.2
alpha2 = 1 - alpha
w = 0
U = speed
V = 0
z = 0
p1 = p2 = P
rho1 = eos1.rho(p1)
c1 = eos1.sound_velocity(rho1, p1)

rho2 = eos2.rho(p2)
c2 = eos2.sound_velocity(rho2, p2)

rho = alpha * rho1 + (1 - alpha) * rho2
Sigma = (rho ** (1/3)) * (z ** (2/3))
Y = rho1 * alpha / rho
Y2 = 1 - Y

rhoU = rho * U
rhoV = rho * V
rhoY = rho * Y
rhoYw = rho * Y * w
rhoa = rho * alpha
rhoz = rho * z

c = np.sqrt(Y * c1**2 + Y2 * c2**2  + rho * (Y * w)**2 \
            - 2/9 * eos.surface_tension * Sigma / rho)

Q_btm = SigmaState(rho, rhoU, rhoV, rhoY, rhoYw, rhoa, rhoz,
                   U, V, P, c, Y, w, alpha, z, p1, p2)

# Interface value
alpha = 0.5
alpha2 = 1 - alpha
w = 0
U = 0
V = 0
z = 1e-2

p1 = p2 = P
rho1 = eos1.rho(p1)
c1 = eos1.sound_velocity(rho1, p1)

rho2 = eos2.rho(p2)
c2 = eos2.sound_velocity(rho2, p2)

rho = alpha * rho1 + (1 - alpha) * rho2
Sigma = (rho ** (1/3)) * (z ** (2/3))

Y = rho1 * alpha / rho
Y2 = 1 - Y

rhoU = rho * U
rhoV = rho * V
rhoY = rho * Y
rhoYw = rho * Y * w
rhoa = rho * alpha
rhoz = rho * z

c = np.sqrt(Y * c1**2 + Y2 * c2**2  + rho * (Y * w)**2 \
            - 2/9 * eos.surface_tension * Sigma / rho)

Q_int = SigmaState(rho, rhoU, rhoV, rhoY, rhoYw, rhoa, rhoz,
                   U, V, P, c, Y, w, alpha, z, p1, p2)

def interface(x):
    """The curve defining the interface"""
    y = 0.5 * np.ones_like(x)
    # xa, xb are the interval where to put the perturbation
    xa = 0.65
    xb = 0.85
    K = 0.03
    # Perturbation
    idx_pert = np.where((x >= xa) & (x <= xb))
    y[idx_pert] += K * np.sin(np.pi * ((x[idx_pert] - xa)/(xb - xa)))
    return y

def init_fun(cells):
    # First set everything to the interface value
    cells.values = Q_int
    dx = cells.min_length
    xc = cells.centroids[..., 0]
    yc = cells.centroids[..., 1]
    # Interface midline
    y_int = interface(xc)
    idx_top = np.where(yc > (y_int + dx))
    idx_btm = np.where(yc < (y_int - dx))

    # Change the value in the various part of the domain
    cells.values[idx_top[0], idx_top[1], ...] = Q_top
    cells.values[idx_btm[0], idx_btm[1], ...] = Q_btm


from import XDMFWriter
from import TimeStrategy

# Instantiate the solver
solver = SigmaSolver(mesh, Rusanov(eos))




import logging
from datetime import datetime

now ='%Y%m%d%H%M%S')

logger = logging.getLogger("josie")

fh = logging.FileHandler(f"sigma-{now}.log")
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')


# Write strategy
strategy = TimeStrategy(dt_save=0.1, animate=False)
writer = XDMFWriter(f"sigma-{now}.xdmf", strategy, solver, 
                    final_time=5, CFL=0.5)
